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Admin Utilities

Uploaded by Zinlock

The add-on board icon. Server Mods
The add-on file name icon. Server_AdminUtilities.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Nov 25th 2021, 10:34 PM
The add-on download count icon. 486


Uhhhh mod does things

all these commands should be fairly self explanatory /slap /freeze /kill /res /resurrect /revive /give /giveitem /givetool /heal /mute (currently limited to 16 minutes and does not persist through server restarts) /announce /all /ann /adminchat /ac /directmessage /dm - send a private message to a player, visible by all admins (cant be used by non admins lol) /re - quicker than /report, only works if you've been dmed /support /report - sends a message to all admins /togglespawn - prevents non admins from spawning /allowspawn - lets a non admin spawn if spawning is disabled /maketrusted - lets a non admin use events (this restriction is disabled by default and theres not a pref for it yet, see svlock.cs line 25

oh also this includes the custom join/leave messages and afk/lag detection its kinda janky so uhhhhh to remove it you can remove the last line in server.cs

Comments (1)

2021-12-12 10:46:31
no pix no clix