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Cinema Tools

Uploaded by Stealth Commander

The add-on board icon. Server Mods
The add-on file name icon. Server_CinemaTools.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Jan 28th 2019, 6:17 AM
The add-on download count icon. 982


Here is a server mod that utilizes BlocklandCEF to play videos or send players to any website you want to show off to everyone.

There's a /cinemahelp command that shows all the commands that you have access to.

Super Admins, grant/deny cinema control access with the /CinemaControlAccess (grant/deny) (player) command.

Features: -Maximum resolution print texture for the highest quality Blockland allows -Aforementioned help command -Workaround to view embed blocked YouTube videos (music videos, etc) -Client Sided Quality Selection for YouTube - Up to 8K! (4k+ gimmicky) -Quality Check Command -Pausing Command -Skip Ad Command -YouTube Captions Toggle -YouTube Nerd Stats -Web search command -Vimeo Commands -Playing of Current Video on Spawn -browserSupport Package for clicking the 16x12 flat screens (must be enabled manually)

Requirements: Brick_Screen - Made by Siba, it comes with a flat 16x12x1 cinema screen, a curved 32x24x3 cinema screen, and a massive two brick curved screen that's 128x76.8x10 combined Brick_Screen_Extra - Optional two more flat screens, one half and one double the size of the original flat cinema screen Print_Screen_Cinema - Put this print on cinema screen bricks for it to have the CEF screen Client_ExtraCEFCmds - If installed, the below command is not needed. CEF_SetResolution(1536, 2048); - For the highest cinema quality Blockland will allow

Comments (2)

2019-02-03 03:20:56
is this media player from gmod
2019-06-13 09:43:23
This needs to include the cam e Recorder