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KeiCars Racing Pack

Uploaded by Filipe1020

The add-on board icon. Vehicles
The add-on file name icon. Vehicle_KeiCarRacing.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Apr 7th 2016, 1:25 AM
The add-on download count icon. 3,583


Kei car, K-car, or kei jidōsha (軽自動車, light automobile) Is a special class of car that is exclusive only for Japan, with it's tiny dimensions and small 660cc engines, they dominated the land of the rising sun, and now it's time for them to move forward to Blockland for a new territory, the Kei Cars are currently divided in three packs.

The Race Pack consists of Tuned versions of Kei Cars that are made for Racing, currently there are the cars from the Sport Pack but modified, it also uses the Custom Vehicle Support to change colors of the cars.

Cars planned to be made in Future Updates:

  • Most of the Cars from the other packs

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