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Friendly Fire Event

Uploaded by nul

The add-on board icon. Events
The add-on file name icon. Event_SetFriendlyFire.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Apr 7th 2016, 1:27 AM
The add-on download count icon. 1,132


Includes one output event for players which allows you to enable (or disable) friendly fire between players.

Outputs: Player: setFriendlyFire [Default/ForceOff/ForceOn]

Has different functionality depending on whether or not it's a Slayer minigame. Non-Slayer minigame: If either the attacker or the victim have their state set to ForceOff, damage will not occur. If both the attacker and the victim have their state set to ForceOn, damage will occur. If one player is set to Default and the other is set to either ForceOn or Default, damage will be dealt according to the minigame's "Player" damage setting.

Slayer minigame: If either the attacker or the victim have their state set to ForceOff, friendly fire will not occur. If both the attacker and the victim have their state set to ForceOn, friendly fire will occur. If one player is set to Default and the other is set to either ForceOn or Default, damage will be dealt according to the minigame's "Friendly Fire" setting. This only applies to players on the same team (it might work with alliances as well but idk), and does not bypass the "Player" damage setting.

Comments (1)

Block King124
2018-03-02 19:55:32
This add-on is very useful when you are making RPGs or multi-team hubs. Thank you!