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Brick Restriction System

Uploaded by Clay Hanson

The add-on board icon. Server Mods
The add-on file name icon. Server_AdminBricks.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Dec 11th 2016, 8:11 PM
The add-on download count icon. 1,121


An add-on that allows you to set who can use certain bricks. For example, if you set a 1x1 brick to be Super Admin only, then regular players & admins cannot place them.

Console Commands: AdminBrickData.listBricks(); - Lists currently restricted bricks, along with their required rank. AdminBrickData.removeAdminBrick(<Brick datablock name>); - Remove a brick datablock from the list. Here's an example of a brick datablock name: "brick1x1Data" is the 1x1 block. Not all add-ons use this format in their datablock names, however, so I recommend using /setBrickAdminLevel in-game. AdminBrickData.addAdminBrick(<Brick datablock name>,<Required rank: 1 for admin, 2 for superadmin>); - Add a brick datablock to the list with a requirement level.

Server Commands: /listAdminBrickLevels - Lists currently restricted bricks, along with their required rank. /setAdminBrickLevel <Required rank: 0 for none, 1 for admin, 2 for superadmin> - (Super Admin only) Adds / removes a required rank a brick datablock. You must be looking at a brick with the datablock you want to restrict / unrestrict for this one to work.

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