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Roll Random Player

Uploaded by Permamiss

The add-on board icon. Server Mods
The add-on file name icon. Server_RollName.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Aug 19th 2020, 6:42 AM
The add-on download count icon. 580


Roll the "dice" to announce to the chat a random player in the same minigame as you, or in the whole server if you meet the Preference requirements.

Configurable settings in Blockland Glass' Preferences:

  • AllowedTeam - name of Team allowed to use command (default blank: no teams can use)
  • AllowedAdmins - Admin level required to use (default Admin: Admins and up can use)
  • AliveOnly - Whether or not to exclude dead players (default false: do not exclude dead players)


If you are on the AllowedTeam OR meet the AllowedAdmins requirements, then you can use the command. In other words, you have to meet the minimum Admin requirement or be on the specified AllowedTeam to use this.

If the person using the command is in a minigame and all aforementioned criteria are met, then the message will be announced within the minigame. If the person using the command is not in a minigame and all aforementioned criteria are met, then the message will be announced to the whole server. If the aforementioned requirements are not met, then a message will be sent to the person using the command explaining what criteria they failed to meet.

Usage: /rollName

Note: You can never roll yourself, so if there are only 1 or 2 people in the server then this add-on is not very exciting.

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