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Coin Mod

Uploaded by Xenos109

The add-on board icon. Server Mods
The add-on file name icon. Server_Coins.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Apr 7th 2016, 1:26 AM
The add-on download count icon. 945


This is a basic mod that has a "Coin" currency that allows players to earn coins, and use coins to complete transactions.

The mod involves three output events, and two inputs...

-[Output] AddCoins [Int]: This adds coins, only available for admin bricks. -[Output] RemoveCoins [Int]: This removes coins, only available for admin bricks. -[Output] RequestCoins [Str] [Int]: This is how you request coins from players. -[Input] TransferAccept: Used when someone completes a transaction. -[Input] TransferDecline: Used when someone declines a transaction.

In order for a player to accept or decline a transaction, they must use the server command /buy [choice]. [choice] can be either yes or no. I.E. /buy yes, or /buy no.

Credits -

Xenos109[3766] - Everything

Comments (1)

2017-06-09 04:37:13