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Slayer - One Man Army

Uploaded by Greek2me

The add-on board icon. Gamemodes
The add-on file name icon. Gamemode_Slayer_OneManArmy.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Jan 18th 2017, 11:03 PM
The add-on download count icon. 1,326


One Man Army Boss Battle

One player is selected as the boss and must fight the other players, trying to survive as long as possible.


  • Uses teams for the boss and normal players. This allows the boss to have different weapons and playertype. It also allows for more than one boss.
  • Boss scale - You can change the size of the boss.
  • Survival time records - The game keeps track of who survived longest as the boss and displays it.
  • Damage tracking - The game keeps track of who did the most damage to the boss and tells players how much damage they did.
  • Variable boss health - The boss' health changes based on the number of players in the game.
  • Boss health modifier - Allows you to modify how much health the boss has.

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