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Punishment Logger

Uploaded by Sargeras

The add-on board icon. Server Mods
The add-on file name icon. Server_PunishmentLogger.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Jun 10th 2017, 7:22 PM
The add-on download count icon. 1,049


Features: *Logs jails (if this addon is enabled: https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=291672.0) *Logs mutes (if Visolator's Advanced Mute addon is enabled: http://bit.ly/2qGYngI ) *Logs warns (using the built in warn system, use /warn [target] [warning] *Also logs kicks and bans

If you are an admin, check a player's record by doing /checkrecord [player]. This will show information like the date and the admin who did it.

also the filename actually Script_PunishmentLogger but stuff happened so i had to rename it lol god damnit glass

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