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Blocko Tanks

Uploaded by Pompmaker1

The add-on board icon. Vehicles
The add-on file name icon. Vehicle_BlockoTanks.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Nov 21st 2017, 4:42 AM
The add-on download count icon. 1,931


Sherman, Panzer IV, T-34, in adorable blocko style.


Tanks are reskins of each other (identical health, speed and damage) for fair DMs/TDMs

Tanks have 450 HP, turrets have 300 HP

Tanks fire AP shells which have next to no splash damage but do 250 direct damage (and look cool)

Players stick out of tanks and turrets and can be shot

Tanks have handling which is almost not shit

Comments (1)

2021-11-20 17:24:25
beautiful now make a blocko m1 abrams, a blocko t90 and a blocko plasma tank (if that's possible for you)