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Extremely Modern Warfare 2

Uploaded by Phanto

The add-on board icon. Weapons
The add-on file name icon. Weapon_Package_EMW2.zip
The add-on upload date icon. May 19th 2020, 2:30 PM
The add-on download count icon. 829


Peacekeeper: Fully automatic service rifle with good range and damage output. Marksman: Designated marksman rifle with high damage and range. Antimat: It's a double barreled sniper. Deals triple damage against people named 'Mat'. PDW: Rapid-fire machine pistol with great close quarters capabilities. Machinerifle: For all your machineguny needs. Takes a while to rev up. Sidearms: Dual-wielded hanguns with balanced range and damage output.

Comments (2)

2020-05-19 18:39:47
2020-05-25 00:57:43