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Extra doors

Uploaded by TheArmyGuy

The add-on board icon. Bricks
The add-on file name icon. Brick_TAGdoors.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Apr 7th 2016, 1:26 AM
The add-on download count icon. 3,219


A set of extra doors in the new, default BLB style! Includes 2 switches that mimic the old JVS button and lightswitch, and some completely new doors such as: -Space door (1x6x6, sliding space door) -Double door (1x8x6, a double swinging door with no frame in the middle) -Castle gate (1x4x6, a stackable castle door) -L4D door (1x4x6, a door with 4 states to mimic the saferoom door in L4D) -Floppy door (1x6x6, a door often seen in hospitals and restaurants) -Garage door (1x6x7, a garage door that folds up)

Comments (1)

2016-10-04 01:15:29
JVS needs to die now. good job!