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Server Events

Uploaded by Greek2me

The add-on board icon. Events
The add-on file name icon. Event_Server.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Apr 7th 2016, 1:24 AM
The add-on download count icon. 1,599


Events for loading and clearing bricks, echoing to the console, and more.

This adds a new "Server" target, which includes these output events:

Server -> loadSaveFile Allows for a save file to be loaded. You can specify the file name and ownership. Server -> clearAllBricks Clears all bricks in the server. In conjunction with loadSaveFile, this can be used to reset a map.

Server -> setPreference Used to change either server name, password, max players, game mode name, welcome message, or falling damage.

Server -> echo Prints an echo to the console. Server -> warn Prints a warning to the console. Server -> error Prints an error to the console.

Server -> chatMsgAll Server -> bottomPrintAll Server -> centerPrintAll Server -> chatMsgHost Sends a message to the server host. Server -> bottomPrintHost Server -> centerPrintHost

Please note: All events are host-only.

Feel free to submit ideas for additional server events.

Comments (4)

heavy bro
2017-03-21 12:07:06
This is what i really need to make stuff.
heavy bro
2017-03-24 11:57:06
Greek2me, onBrickLoaded is conflictiong with this addon. I mean Server target is just disappearing.
2017-03-25 17:08:04
Thanks, I will check on that.
heavy bro
2017-08-11 20:46:36
Your add-ons are conflicting with this. (Same issue as onBrickLoaded)