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Air Cubes

Uploaded by piber20

The add-on board icon. Bricks
The add-on file name icon. Brick_AirCubes.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Nov 25th 2016, 7:44 AM
The add-on download count icon. 1,476


An alternative to using invisible modter or zonebricks, here is a brick pack made specifically for building in the air.

Benefits of Air Cubes:

  • Made for building inside.
  • Normal brick in water layer. Very small possible performance inpact, only as much as a normal disappeared brick would.

Problems with Modter:

  • Has .dts collision which might impact performance more than normal bricks.

Problems with Zone Bricks:

  • Has physical zones which might impact performance more than normal bricks.
  • Breaks DOF screenshots

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