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Uploaded by piber20

The add-on board icon. Gamemodes
The add-on file name icon. GameMode_FASTKarts.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Dec 26th 2016, 2:48 AM
The add-on download count icon. 2,260


The FASTKarts gamemode is more than just your standard everyday speedkart edit, a lot more than adding /boombox was done here. Many features have been ported from my DeathMatch gamemode to this, and this took lots of effort to get working nicely by all parties involved.

Full credits can be viewed ingame with the /fkCredits command. There's a lot of integrated add-ons and code files. I wasn't the one who did the karts. I made the bulk of the gamemode's code.

This is loaded with features, which would take way too many words to type here. See https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=305706.0 for an overview and more maps.

Everything you need is integrated into the gamemode's code files, except for the default add-ons, which you should have already. (also i left in the silly gamemode thumbnails from snailkart, consider them easter eggs)

You must have at least 1 track, otherwise you're going to be racing in an endless ocean which does not change ever, which is not fun. Look around for add-ons prefixed with FASTKarts_, or check out the forum topic.

Comments (1)

2021-08-02 16:58:40
<font:impact:50>COOL GAMEMODE