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Rub Rabbit Playertypes

Uploaded by Pompmaker1

The add-on board icon. Playertypes
The add-on file name icon. Player_RubRabbits.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Jan 16th 2018, 11:03 AM
The add-on download count icon. 995


[b][size=14pt]FEATURES[/size][/b] [b]ALL THREE PLAYERTYPES[/b] 13 weapon slots No jets No fall damage Freelook goes 270 degrees

Automatic health regeneration after a period of not taking damage, slow at first then faster after a while

[b]AKATAROU[/b] 400 HP About 3 times as fast as default player About twice the jump height of default player

[b]AKAKO[/b] 300 HP Faster than Akatarou by a bit Jumps higher than Akatarou by a bit

[b]AKANO[/b] 200 HP As fast as Akatarou Jumps higher than Akako Quicker-acting health regen

Comments (1)

The Titanium
2019-07-15 15:22:21
oh no