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Architectural Series: Enn's Developer Set

Uploaded by Khaz

The add-on board icon. Colorsets
The add-on file name icon. Colorset_EnnDev.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Jul 3rd 2018, 10:40 PM
The add-on download count icon. 1,586



Optimized Standard, Dark, and Pastel colors. Dulled colors for variety. Plentiful Browns/Greys Realistic Glass/Stone selections Invisible color (last column)

This colorset is best fit for advanced, quality building. Utilizing a blend of realistic color choices to give your creation a nicer feel. This colorset is not suited for builds with bright neon glow-y colors.

Comments (1)

2018-07-08 18:23:08
where is my shitty unfinished build