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Useful Events

Uploaded by Clay Hanson

The add-on board icon. Events
The add-on file name icon. Event_UsefulEvents.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Jul 16th 2016, 7:21 PM
The add-on download count icon. 1,376


Adds keypad & client info checking events. Basically, you can validate a user's bl_id, name, and even score. The keypad system is easy, and I have provided a save file in the .zip for you to use as an example.

Comments (5)

2016-07-23 15:27:33
This sounds interesting, but you can do all of this easily with VCE.
Clay Hanson
2016-07-25 01:51:29
VCE sucks.
Jack Noir
2016-07-28 16:59:46
Defo agreed, VCE is terribly buggy, has fuckloads of exploits and is all around very poorly coded. Worst part is when it's dependant on the owner of the brick to be still in the game to function proper.
heavy bro
2017-01-20 18:56:19
VCE zaebis and pls add dildo, @Jack Noir
2017-02-11 17:11:15
I can make password doors without this addon and without VCE