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Event Restrictions

Uploaded by Clay Hanson

The add-on board icon. Events
The add-on file name icon. Server_EventRestrictions.zip
The add-on upload date icon. Jul 21st 2016, 8:32 PM
The add-on download count icon. 1,199


Allows admins to filter what events people can & cannot use.

Commands: (Admin Only) : /ToggleEventRestrictions - Enables / disables the event filter. (Admin Only) : /AddEventRestriction - Adds an event to the event filter.

  • (Admin Only) : /RestrictEvent - Same as above. (Admin Only) : /RemoveEventRestriction - Removes an event from the event filter.
  • (Admin Only) : /DerestrictEvent - Same as above. (Admin Only) : /ClearEventRestrictions - Clears the event filter entirely. (Everyone) : /GetEventRestrictions - Gets a list of restricted events.

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